Anne Hathaway films in Mr. Tux for movie Bride Wars?

April 10, 2008

My friend spotted Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson in Mr. Tux on Milk Street yesterday from about 1-6pm. The two ladies are busy making anne hathawaythe movie Bride Wars.

Apparently it took them about five hours to film a segment only a few minutes long. Man. Tough life.

Oh, she also said Anne is way too skinny for her own good. And apparently she’s pretty short.

In other news, Leonardo DiCaprio has also been hanging around our city lately. Boston is the quite hot spot for movie filming now, guys. Watch out. We’re going to be the new LA.

Lost your cell phone? SMFA artist probably has it.

April 8, 2008

What do you do with a couple thousand leftover cell phones, a creative mind and a lot of free time?

cell phone art

I don’t know… make art?

Rob Pettit used 5000 phones to create large, sculptural pieces for the SMFA’s Fifth Year Exhibition Opening Reception. Five thousand. Visualize every undergrad student from Emerson and Simmons at a party. Now imagine them all losing their cell phones.

Friends, family and a couple generous companies donated the phones for his sculptures. And aside from being really, really cool– Rob wants his work to be a bit of a social commentary on consumerism and perhaps how wasteful Americans can be. Imagine that.

Robb is showcasing his unique cell phone creations this Thursday, April 10 at SMFA’s Grossman Gallery and Anderson Auditorium from 5pm – 8pm. His other works will include drawings, sculptures, a sound piece, a light piece, two wall drawings/sculptures and a whole lot of other art stuff that I don’t understand and could never attempt to create myself.

Long story short, I suggest you check it out. Also, if you need a new phone, I bet Rob might be a good person to know.